I Am...whatever you say I am...
Here's a quiz of me, myself, and I that I got from Eric, who originally got it from Andy.
[ personal]
crush: Not really, just friends with everyone
virgin?: Yes?
current hair color: Brown
natural hair color: Green.............
eye color: Hazel
height: 6 foot 3 inches
birthplace: Mariemont, Ohio
shoe size: 11
[ favorites ]
number: 14
color: Blue...maybe a turquoise color
day: Hmmm, mainly any day that doesn't involve going to school...
month: June, I suppose.
Song: System of a Down - Ego Brain
movie: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
food: Flaming Yawn...no wait...Filet Mignon...damn it's so small!!! ......Burgers.......
band: System of a Down
season: Summer
sport: Baseball and Nascar...everything else is a joke, not original, time is against the players, overpaid....
class: Programming...mmmmmmm
teacher: Mrs.Wilburn...although she is Hitler's illegitimate child. NO CHEM FOR YOU!!! SIEG HEIL DUH FUHRER!!!!
drink: Mountain Dew....caffeine addict
veggie: Corn...on the cob...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.........
tv show: Mystery Science Theater 3000
store: Best Buy...my own personal whore house.
animal: I'd like to have a Chinchilla because it's so fluffy and...chinchilla like. Actually, I like my dog Princess and at one point I had a cat named Sylvester, but it ran away a week and a half ago....probably the best cat ever!
flower: The plastic one I got for NHS.............cheap bastards....
state: I'd like to live in Florida I guess...but Ohio is doing fine for me right now...
[ this or that ]
me/you: You
coke/pepsi: Pepsi
day/night: Night
aol/aim: AIM
cd/cassette: CD
dvd/vhs: DVD
jeans/khakis: Jeans
car/truck: Car
tall/short: Tall
lunch/dinner: Lunch
nsync/bsb: *soaks both options in gasoline and sets ablaze* Neither....System of a Down you stupid quiz bitches...SYSTEM OF A DOWN!!!!!!!!!
britney/christina: Britney = Big boobies Christina = Whoreslut....hmph......BOTH!!!
gap/old navy: Old Gravy
lipstick/lipgloss: Like, oh my god. Lipstick, totally.......
silver/gold: Hmm, silver looks cooler, yet gold can get you lots and lots of money....BOTH!!!
alcohol/weed: Hmm...I'd like to try both, but I guess since alcohol is legal...I'll go with the stuff that won't get me thrown in prison.
[ love and relationships ]
do you have a bf/gf?: yeah right
do you have a crush?: Not really...(see question at beginning of quiz)
how long have you liked him/her?: ...persistent bastards...
why do you like this person?: ...................................
how long was your longest relationship?: .........................................
how long was your shortest relationship?: ........................................
who was your first love?: Back in Kindergarten I had a "crush" on Kassie Kapp....no more
what do you miss about them?: nothing that comes to mind.
[ the past ]
what is the one thing you would change about your past?: I wish I never fucked with Ms. Campbell's screensaver on one of her computers...YOU'RE GONNA DIE BITCH!!!! Not Campbell, but a few of you may know what I'm talking about...
what is the biggest mistake you've made in your life? Can't recall any BIG mistakes...not sure...
last thing you heard: Dan Hoard and Chris Welsh describing Gabe White and his sinkerball.
last thing you saw: Staring at my 19" Sony FD Trinitron Flat-screen monitor filling out this damned quiz...
last thing you said: saying "last thing you said" to myself
who is the last person you saw?: Mom...
who is the last person you kissed?: myself...I make out with me all the time..............
who is the last person you hugged?: ::sigh:: Ms. Conway....if anybody laughs...I'll kill you!
who is the last person you fought with?: sister
who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Eric
what is the last tv show you saw?: Heh, I'm watching the Red's get raped by the Pirates for their opening season game

what is the last song you heard?: FOX Sport's Net Baseball theme song thingy
[ the present ]
what are you wearing?: My gay cowboy suit...assless chaps included...
what are you doing?: is this question for real? Hmm, I'm slipping in and out of consciousness poking my eyes over and over again so that I can't read these questions..........
who are you talking to?: My computer screen, Betty.
what song are you listening to?: hold on...let me find a song.......CCR - Fortunate son....that good enough for you??? jebus
where are you?: The über-room...I mean my room.

who are you with?: Me, myself, and I....o yeah, and Betty...
are you online?: Nope. I felt like taking this quiz offline just for the sake of this fucking question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid, cock, ass, fucker, bitches.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
how are you feeling?: BURNINATE!!!!
are you in a chatroom?: Why in God's name would i waste my precious time like that!!!
[ future ]
what day is it tomorrow?: Tuesday
what are you doin next: Still remains a complete mystery to myself also....
who are you going to talk to?: Betty.....
how old will you be when you graduate?: Hopefully 18...anything else would be un-civilized....
what do you wanna be?: Crack addict? Heroin junkie? Pot head? A pirate? Maybe one of those guys who work the ticket booth in a parking garage? Assisstant crack whore? All the above?
what is one of your dreams?: Become a bazillionaire and share the wealth with all my friends....maybe hook up with some already famous people...
[ have you ever ]
drank?: Sure have...Absolüt Vodka + (nothing) = Horrible, horrible after taste
smoked?: Smoke what? Cigars? Yes. Cigarettes? Yes. Weed? No, but if getting buzzed off second-hand smoke counts then yes.
had sex?: Heh.....masturbation count???
stolen?: Yes
done anything illegal?: Yes
wanted to die?: Yes
hit someone?: I didn't directly punch somebody, but I still rammed Justin Kuhn's head into a steel post for pissing me off. Gave the stupid fuck a concussion. Piece of advice for all of you who read this...don't...piss...me...off! You will regret it.
[ other ]
do you write in cursive or print?: Scribble.
are you a lefty or a righty?: Righty
what is your sexual preference?: Most definitely the ladies....
what piercings do you have?: None....well, I do have one in my.....nevermind
do you drive?: YES!!! Well, lah dee frickin' dah!!!!!!!
do you have glasses or braces?: Glasses....no really...I do....
did you like this survey?: Gonna have to go with Eric...very informative because I've never really thought about most of this crap.
[ physical appearance ]
what do you most like about your body?: Sideburns...and I'll have it no other way.

and least?: Me = overweight....but that can be easily solved....Sit on my fat ass, play video games, and eat food and I'll soon be watching all those extra pounds burn away
how many fillings do you have?: None...I'm such a good boy because I bwush my teef....
do you think you're good looking: Well, i suppose so, but I just don't spend the majority of my time in front of a mirror to worry about it.
do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: Usually when I am forced to where khakis and put on my infamous hawaiian shirts for a special event...other than that...NO!!!
Do you look like any celebrities?: Does Kyle Adkins count?
[ fashion ]
do you wear a watch?: Sure do...but the only time I wll truly enjoy what I wear is when I get an Omega...the offical James Bond watch....
how many coats and jackets do you own?: Hmmm...geee....let me think....ummm...6???
favorite pants/skirt color?: I really like the black skirt that I have...................................
most expensive item of clothing: American Eagle winter coat $150....tie $35!!!!!! Thought about getting a leather jacket for $300!!!!!!!
most treasured?: über-computer...muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha <-------evil computer laugh
what kind of shoes do you wear?: Arizona....you know? the skater shoes I've worn for the past 3 years or so.
describe your style in one word: Laid-back......I beat the system!!! Hyphenated word....so screw you hippy!!!