Great ...umm...stuff... from Andy's blog
"Women go after jocks in high school, then come to their senses in college and start going for the smart guys" -Joan Wilburn, Chem Nazi
"Mrs. Wilburn was quick to offer the classical rationale, essentially that "all high school girls are inherently stupid", which made me feel a little better." -Condensed version from Andy
I've always thought least I know I'm not the only one. Hmm, let's compare today to the past, shall we? 25 years ago, the time when my parents were in high school, the relationships consisted of the "I really like his personallity and how he's a great guy to be around." Then 25 years later (now) most of those "inherently stupid" girls are the girls that pull the "I date him because he is like sooooo hot. He treats me like shit, but i don't care. As long as I'm popular...I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful dammit...." Those girls just piss me off.
Ahh yes, another great quote came from the über-God himself, Andy Fedus, and it goes a little something like this. "If you were to take Cat's Eye and put it in some shit, then put it in a machine that turned it into shit, then took the shit made from the machine and put it into a heaping pile of shit...that is only the beginning on how shitty Cat's Eye truly is."

Andy's resource for the above quote
[Edited 10:39 P.M. for misunderstanding ^_^]
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