As the World Turns
I sometimes have that feeling that I'm stuck in a soap opera with all the drama that's been going on lately. Ah what the hell. Doesn't really bother me although it can be a little upsetting from time to time. Still no sign of my cat and it's been about 4 days, however, my dad has just went out to look for him as I speak. My hopes are 50/50 and I am still unsure ho things will turn out. The one thing that I hate the thought of is that my whole subdivision is filled with a bunch of 15 or 16 year old jackasses and is most likely the part of a "dysfunctional family." Hell, for all I know, some idiot with the IQ of a dead fish probably shot my cat with a fucking BB gun. With all these dumbshits in the neighborhood, I don't feel safe especially with asshats like Josh Beamer. If that's the case, THEN I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID ASS, DOUCHE BAG, COCK-SUCKING, DICKLESS, SON OF A BITCH, MOTHERFUCKER...

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