A disturbance in the Force
As you can see, I have added an actual picture that does a better job at representing the title and theme of my blog...skippity do. I have also added Michal, Harrison, and Jeff to Members of the Jedi Council...congratulations, you guys get a cookie

O yeah, in Michal's blurty...was she referring to me as "Burns"? Because I haven't been called that in months and was just wonderin'.

For all of you who may not know this, I have played baseball since Kindergarten and at some point in my life actually wanted to become a Major League Baseball player, but I have finally given up that dream and was brought back to reality with a sickening thud. After being cut from the high school team last year and realizing the people who had gotten picked over me: Drew Brady, Mike Keller, Scott *gay last name*, and few other indlividuals who had a pathetic GPA of 1.5 or lower and were ineligible...I decided that I wasn't getting credit where credit was due and I was taken by many as a joke. Every coach, all of them who were pathetic excuses as human beings, thought that maybe if I threw harder I would get like 20 strikeouts a game, but their head was shoved so far up their ass they didn't realize I could pitch better than nearly anyone else. I was always doing MY part in the game and I shall say that I wasn't no Randy Johnson or Curt Schilling, however, I did get many to pop-up and hit ground balls directly to my fielders, but many of them were a complete joke and would "oops, missed the ball. don't worry, you'll get 'em next time" and who's record looks bad when YOU give up 13 unearned runs because of 8 errors in one inning...MINE DOES! And the fact that we were in one of those select leagues and made that many errors absolutely disgusts me. Guess that's what happens when you try your heart out and all you get in return for it is jack shit. So I have decided to quit baseball entirely...high school...summer....fall...all that good stuff. My mother and father, at the same time I was, were saddened when I told them I didn't feel that my baseball career could go any further and that I am stepping down from the beloved sport I cherish. No more of the fresh aroma of the newly cut grass, the taste of dirt in your mouth when a dust devil starts up in mid-field, the joy of hearing good and bad jokes being cracked in the dug-out, no more abombinations to sun flower seeds like the salso and ranch flavored, and no more hearing my name called to start warming up the bullpen so I can close the door on another game well earned....no more of this for me.

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