Some things just blow my mind
Nearly every weekend or so, I mostly spend it over at Eric's house or he at mine. Everytime we have a blast by watching movies and play video games all the doo dah day, being the hardcore gaming freaks that we both have become known and loved for.

We started our own franchise mode as none other than your CINCINNATI REDS and made it for co-op. We, of course, created ourselves and made us "semi-über". I set myself as starting pitchers...duh... Eric playing at third base with a cannon of an arm and his dad being our starting catcher. The first game we played together in, well, we pretty much sucked balls and almost lost to the Orioles...THE FUCKING ORIOLES!!! So after that game, we simulated the rest of spring training and played our 2003 season opener with the Pittsburgh Pirates at the Great American Ballpark. Let me just say that the Pirates got their asses handed to 'em in this one with a hefty score of 23-2!!!!!!!!!!! Both teams were scoreless through the first three innings and we both felt something needed be done. Then up comes Kearns and...CRACK!!! Adiós señor pelota. That thing was a fucking moonshot. After settling in and getting use to Chris Benson's psycho curveball, we gave him the pounding of a lifetime...they even went as far as intentionally throwing at one of batters. Then we find the spot in our line-up we referred to as "Power alley", which Eric controls because I do the pitching...well, since I use to be a pitcher in real life. Three homeruns in a row!!! "Say hello to my lil frien' " After raping the Pirates in our season opener, we saved and turned off the good ol' X-Box and proceeded to watch about an hour of the Godfather until we fell asleep.

Anyways, we played hours on end trying to beat about a psycho game. Creatures spawning from behind you...and sometimes right next to you...evil zombies with shotguns, pistols, flamethrowers, and SMGs...freakishly evil children who pretty much rape you when touched probably because they're high on crystal meth....retarded suicide spider bombing thingys....half dead dogs that go like a gazillion miles an hour....up-the-butt humongoid rats that kill you by breathing on you...What's up with dat? Yeah, all those fucked up creatures coming towards us while we fend them off with sharp, shiny, metal objects...weapons with infinte ammo...and other specialty weapons like an Auto-shotgun, pump-shotgun, M16, MP-5, flamethrower, and a chainsaw...or at least that's what we have found so far.
We gotten SOOOOOO much further than before when we rented it a long time ago and were close to beating it and then that's when it happened...........the phone rang. Eric quickly dashed towards the phone and saw that my phone number was being displayed on the caller-ID. I answered, "Hello"...only to hear my mother say, "Why aren't you home yet?" I then reminded her that she told me to be home at 2 pm, NOT 1 pm like she thought she told me. She then forces me come home whether I liked it or not, therefore ruining any chance that Eric and I would've had at beating the game this weekend.

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday...kinda went to Eric's house and stuff.

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