Another week comes and goes as it pleases
My blog is now complete. I have gotten what I wanted onto the template, but now will update it from time to time. I will now begin to focus on more of the writing aspect, but not now because I'm a little fried from this week and really don't feel like talking about it. I probably sucked ass on the history test, but I was glad to see that we were finally getting into World War II. I'm also glad that we are finishing Their Eyes Were Watching God in English because we've spent nearly two weeks on it and it gets old after a while. I also had a big chat with Andy a couple hours ago about a few things. Mainly was about me telling him how awesome his personal prose was. Go check it out -------> Andy's Blog. From the small time I've gotten to know Andy, he's becoming more and more of one of my best friends. Not just because he drives me home

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