So it's come to this?
I heard earlier this morning on the news that Bush will eventually give a statement about declaring war on Iraq or some shit because today is the deadline for disarmament and it seems that Mr. Hussein hasn't done that yet......... It was funny because just a few days ago there was a comedian on TV who said that all of the people in the military should be the ones who vote whether or not we go to war since it's THEIR lives on the line, which was so true when I thought about it. And like Eric said, there are so many people in my history class that I feel like hitting with a crow-bar because all I hear from them is stupid-ass comments like "Let's just nuke 'em". May I ask why? I'm guessing that nobody in my class has seen Terminator 2: Judgment Day because that's exactly like what it'll be...fucking judgment day. If we drop a nuke on them, surely they'll retaliate with some form of mass destruction whether it be biological or nuclear and this will create havoc throughout the whole world and all we have to say is "Welcome to the Nuclear Age. Have a nice day." That's the last thing I ever want to happen. Bush is just as bad as the fucktards in our class because he's so ignorant to the fact that it won't be wise decision if practically nobody in this UN crap won't back us. Especially if Russia, China, and France won't help, then that's a sign that this isn't a very good idea to begin with. I guess time will tell when Bush goes on TV making an ass of himself by bringing the US into a war since Desert Storm...I guess that can be considered a war.

Heh, finally the brackets have been released for the wondrous NCAA Men's Basketball tourney which starts on 20th, but in reality the first game is pitting Texas Southern vs. UNCA on the 18th to decide which team should have the honor of getting their asses handed to them by the number 1 seed, Texas. I filled one out for shits and giggles like I always do...even though I know absolutely jack shit about college basketball...and had Kentucky going....all...the.....way! Not sure what I was thinking when I turned in a bracket for the Academic Team gambling league...guess so I could be cool like everyone else.

Yay, the olympiad people might be going to regionals. For once, the smart people are coming out on top in actual competition and reaping the benefits like lunch with Mr. Peters every other day........... Hoo rah! Nesi and Andy got gold medals for being able to measure cookies...good job. Everyone else...well...sucked.

I finally got my archives to work in coordination with my template thanks to my esteemed colleague........Dan.

Well, I'm still sitting here bored since Eric kinda is at driving school for the rest of eternity. If I have anything else to comment on, I'll surely do it, but for now nothing else comes to mind.
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