I'm really beginning to hate bootcamps just because of how much of an annoyance they are. Half the time they call for a bootcamp with only about 5 minutes warning ahead of time and end up locking the server and basically kick everyone out of the server they were having FUN in. They have one like every other day it seems like and the person running them says that it'll only be an hour when in reality it always runs to like 2 and half hours long!!!!!! I use to be able to help out and then all of a sudden the Drill Unit becomes a bit too arrogant and think that they own the server...NEWS FLASH: You don't! I don't see the big deal on others helping long as there's room for extra people then where the fuck is the harm in that? I hate how people don't have trust in certain individuals. Why they wouldn't trust me is beyond reason to me. Besides, I was once part of the Drill Unit myself and knows what the hell is going on. O well, go jump off a cliff or something Panik....

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