A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: February 2005

Sunday, February 27, 2005

And the award goes to...

...Million Dollar Baby. So I actually got to sit down and watch the 77th Academy Awards tonight from start to finish for once because all the times before I'd either miss it completely, catch part of it, or would be too busy doing other shit.

The Aviator, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett and directed by Martin Scorsese, pretty much ran away with the Oscars and won nearly all nominations for it. Million Dollar Baby, Morgan Freeman, Hillary Swank, and directed by Clint Eastwood, faired pretty well on it's own too including Best Picture. I was really glad that Jamie Foxx won Best Actor for Ray. Some other of my favorites in there would have to be Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for Best Original Screenplay, The Inredibles winning a couple including Best Animation. Unfortunately, I don't think Sideways ended up winning anything noteworthy. Nothing crazy ended up happening during the award show, but Swank gave a helluva long speech for winning Best Actress. Chris Rock did a good job hosting the show. I hope to continue watching the Oscar's from here on out.

Until next year...ciao!

Friday, February 25, 2005

It's been a fun week

I've been playing on my bass, I have a little http server thing setup for all my playlist to be downloaded (that's roughly 16 gigs worth of music right there), Eric's roommate's still a dickhole, and I like cheese. It's been fun trying to play all these songs on my bass which even though may sound bad, you can still identify what song it is. I've been working on a lot of the System of a Down songs because well they're my favorite band and you know how that is. I've done like 2 primus songs because the riffs for those songs are a little outta my league at this point in time.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Survey says...

Lotta stuff here

ONE: "I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything."


01. who are you, what's our relationship:
02. how and where did we meet:
03. what's my middle name:
04. how long have you known me:
05. how well do you think you know me:
06. tell me one good thing about myself:
07. do i believe in God:
08. when you first saw me what was your impression:
09. my age:
10. birthday:
11. my favorite band at the moment:
12. color eyes:
13. do i have any siblings:
14. have you ever had a crush on me:
15. what's one of my favorite things to do:
16. do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you:
17. anything super special about me:
18. would you consider me a friend:
19. describe me in 3 words:
20. if there were one good nickname for me what would it be:
21. name 5 things i love:
22. do you think i'm good looking:
23. how would you describe me to someone:
24. would you kiss me:
25. would you ever date me:
26. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did:
27. do you think i'm funny:
28. do you think i'm a bitch:
29: do you think i'm annoying:
30: do you think i'm stupid:
31: what do you like most about me:
32: have you ever seen me with my pants off:
33: have you ever seen me cry, if so when?:
34: if we could spend a day together what would we do:
35: have we ever gotten in a fight:
36: do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years:

THREE: Step 1: Open your MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Write down the first 50 songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.

1. 311 - Homebrew
2. Monty Python - Theme Song (interrupted)
3. Led Zeppelin - In My Time of Dying
4. Slayer - Wicked
5. Shinedown - Burning Bright [Sanford Mix]
6. A Perfect Circle - The Noose
7. Weird Al Yankovic - Waffle King
8. Chapaumelon - Nonchalant
9. Metallica - Prince Charming
10. Tool - The Patient
11. Nickelback - Hollywood
12. Primus - John the Fisherman
13. Godsmack - Situation
14. Led Zeppelin - The Wanton Song
15. Rage Against the Machine - Take the Power Back
16. Metallica - Carpe Diem Baby
17. Metallica - Battery
18. Weird Al Yankovic - Genius in France
19. Green Day - Pulling Teeth
20. Led Zeppelin - White Summer-Black Mountain
21. CCR - Proud Mary
22. Deftones - The Chauffeur (from the RE:A soundtrack)
23. The Doors - Break On Through
24. Pink Floyd - Mother
25. Rage Against the Machine - Fistful of Steel
26. Trick Daddy - Take It to Da House
27. A Perfect Circle - Orestes
28. Monty Python - Cocktail Bar
29. Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole
30. Godsmack - Bad Magick
31. Tenacious D - Kielbasa
32. The Offspring - Hit That
33. Rage Against the Machine - Street Fighting Man
34. Weird Al Yankovic - Frank's 2000" TV
35. Tenacious D - Karate
36. Alabama 3 - Woke Up This Morning [Chosen One Mix]
37. Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now
38. Weird Al Yankovic - Such A Groovy Guy
39. Modest Mouse - The Star Are Projectors
40. Utah Saints - Utah Saints Take... (MK soundtrack)
41. Pantera - In Over My Head
42. Incubus - Follow [3rd Movement of the Odyssey](Halo 2 soundtrack)
43. Incubus - 3rd Movement of the Odyssey(Halo 2 soundtrack)
44. Modest Mouse - Blame It on the Tetons
45. Charles Berstein/RZA - Crane/White Lightning
46. Slayer - Seasons In the Abyss
47. Nickelback - Too Bad
48. Metallica - Hero of the Day (live)
49. Modest Mouse - The Good Times Are Killing Me
50. REM - Losing My Religion

FOUR: (I don't have special LJ options to put this in a clickable link lol)

10 bands/artists you've been listening to lately
[01] System of a Down
[02] Primus
[03] Metallica
[04] Slayer
[05] Slipknot
[06] Tenacious D
[07] Slipknot
[08] Modest Mouse
[09] Rob Zombie
[10] Korn

9 things you're looking forward to
[01] Parents coming down tomorrow
[02] The new System of a Down CDs
[03] Jamming with Dan and Eric on my bodacious bass
[04] summer
[05] Star Wars Episode III
[06] next year living with Eric
[07] more DVDs!
[08] spring break
[09] other good movies that look good that are coming out

8 things you like to wear
[01] boxers
[02] watch
[03] band tshirts
[04] star wars tshirts
[05] Hoodies
[06] cargo pants
[07] hawaiian shirts
[08] a parrot on my shoulder

7 things that annoy you
[01] commentary when playing games and when sucking
[02] MTV during the day
[03] generic rap with the bitches and niggas and the PAIN IN THE GLAVEN!
[04] stupid IM chat with everything being shortened like luv or u r 2 gay...
[05] fake files from kazaa
[06] a bad wrapping job from burritos noches
[07] forgetting my buck ID when I end up needing it

6 things that you say almost everyday
[01] fuck
[02] sup
[03] hey
[04] thanks
[05] oh my god
[06] dammit

5 things you do everyday
[01] listen to music
[02] sleep
[03] eat
[04] play video games
[05] expect "playing bass guitar" to be on here soon haha

4 people you want to spend more time with
[01] ryan
[02] eric
[03] dan
[04] somebody from south campus like nesi or somebody

3 of your favorite songs of all time (how cruel...i have too many)
[01] System of a Down - Ego Brain
[02] System of a Down - Spiders
[03] System of a Down - Metro

2 movies you could watch over and over again
[01] All star wars
[02] Saving Private Ryan, I suppose

1 person you could spend forever with
[01] too hard a question to answer so I'm not going to. i don't want to be too biased or be getting bad vibes from anyone.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Thrown another one in the mix

Another horror movie to come out involved with the horror genre would be Cursed. GG Hollywood!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Another Valentine's Day came and gone

I believe that makes it 19 straight years without getting anything on what's suppose to be such a beloved day. No valentine, no candy gram, no chocolates, no flowers, no hugs, no i love yous. I feel so special. Instead I was stuck doing crappy homework for the most part of it.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Hollywood Conspiracy?

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who may have noticed this, but I think there are WAY too many horror/thriller movies coming out. The past year or so I swear to god everytime I see a preview it's for one of those movies. Just to name a few off the top of my head include The Grudge, Hide & Seek, The Boogeyman, Cursed, The Ring 2, Saw, Godsend, The Forgotten, and I'm sure there are a couple others out there, but my god...too many. It's getting rediculous. And from what I see/hear about them is that they suck, for the most part.

I'm a failed guitarist

...and I've never even played guitar before. I was sitting around yesterday and I decided to order the bass guitar starter package right here. Can't wait until I get it Wednesday or Thursday. There better not be a damn thing wrong about it either.

Monday, February 07, 2005

A boom boom chicky chicky boom boom....a boom chicky chacka choo choo

So like ever since middle school, the idea of me playing a bass guitar had always been in my mind and I'm always up for playing something different. By the summer, I might end up getting a starter kit. It's been a while since I played an instrument (alto sax in the 5th grade...). Some of the stuff I want to play is of course some Metallica, System of a Down, Primus (but I think that'll take me quite some time, if ever because Claypool is the man, the myth, the legend), other popular bass riffs or just any bass riffs that I'm capable of doing.

A few famous bassists known for unique style of play, overall excellency, etc. etc. would include Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cliff Burton from Metallica, Rob Trujillo newest bassist of Metallica, Les Claypool from Primus, Fieldy from Korn, former Limp Bizkit bassist Wes Borland and Shavo Odadjian from my most favorite band, System of a Down. Those are just a few I could name off the top of my head.

I've been playing Halo 2 lately and god I've been sucking on Team Slayer. I decided to give up playing slayer for a while and started up skirmish again so I can get back into the swing of things.

I was also notified by my parents that I made it onto the Dean's List last quarter, which is super-duper.

Changed my song and I also added a link on my sidebar to mozilla.org. Anyone who uses anything other than Mozilla Firefox for internet browsing should switch to that or die. They'll regret it if they don't.

I'm out.