A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: Hollywood Conspiracy?

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Hollywood Conspiracy?

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who may have noticed this, but I think there are WAY too many horror/thriller movies coming out. The past year or so I swear to god everytime I see a preview it's for one of those movies. Just to name a few off the top of my head include The Grudge, Hide & Seek, The Boogeyman, Cursed, The Ring 2, Saw, Godsend, The Forgotten, and I'm sure there are a couple others out there, but my god...too many. It's getting rediculous. And from what I see/hear about them is that they suck, for the most part.


Blogger Ryan said...

Does Shaun of the Dead count? Because that movie rocked. Awesomely.

4:06 PM  
Blogger David said...

I was including the movies that their only purpose were to scare people. Too many of those. Shaun of the Dead was very awesome because of it's humor and was original. The other movies just use loud sudden sounds and weird camera effects to scare people...and they're not even funny at all.

4:40 PM  

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