A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: You have failed me

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

You have failed me

The gaming industry has reached the ultimate low recently with publication of this beautiful little piece, Left Behind. It is so low that it makes the Marianas Trench look like Mount Everest. I know that my mom has read the entire Left Behind series, but I know she's no radical idealist pushing for this game to be the "ultimate Christian game." A Christian game that is setup GTA-style, but in New York City and instead of killing anyone without discrimination in GTA, this game only allows you to kill all non-Christians (Jews, gays, Muslims, Buddhists, Athiests, Catholics, and everyone else who advocates the seperation of Church and State). Sounds to be very Christian to me. I didn't realize I was living in NAZI FUCKING GERMANY. You've got to know that something's wrong with this game when fucking Jack Thompson, the epitome of all that is evil and represents everything that I hate, finds this game to be absurd.

They think a Christian game, copying the idea of GTA gameplay, is going to actually sell? No. It isn't. Anyone who buys this game should be stricken with the AIDS virus while a pack of wild and rabie-stricken ferrets begin to eat out some of their organs to stay alive long enough to be air-lifted and then dropped several stories up into a building housing a nuclear reactor leak, on par with the K-19, only to have his skin start peeling off while a crate of salt, capsicum, and army ants are dumped on all over his body focusing mainly on his lower extremities only to open his eyes and see two gay guys getting married, a Muslim praising to Allah during his daily ritual prayer, and a Jewish family giving their new-born son a circumcision. Then... the bastard finally dies.

I think that's enough out of me, for now.


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