A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: July 2006

Saturday, July 15, 2006

"Firefly" (2002)

I think I've just finished watching the absolute best TV show ever. It's sad that FOX cancelled this show, but on the bright side, it made this show a hell of a lot more than it would've been. Better in the sense that producers and writers knew FOX had that big red cancel button taunting them, which helped brought out the best by taking all the important things and putting them into the show. FOX was sitting on a gold mine with this show and they just threw it away. To be honest, if I had a choice of them bringing back another season (or multiple seasons) over Family Guy ever existing? I'd go with Firefly.

I'm now going to purchase the DVD box-set for the show because dammit, if anything, they deserve my money for making such an exciting series.

All the characters aboard Serenity were filled with such depth and all very intriguing.

The reoccuring side characters that actually fit into the plot each time instead of just using that character once over for an epic moment and throwing them away after that episode.

The entire premise of the show being setup as a sci-fi/western show is awesome in itself.

In a way, this should makes me beg the question, "What if George Lucas did something like this with Han Solo?" because that's exactly what it reminds me of. A rough n tumble life, looking for jobs to do to keep the ship going, running into plenty of trouble along the way, harboring fugitives wanted by the entire galaxy, theft, fire-fights, smuggling, you name it.

The dialogue. What is there to say? It's brilliant and beautifully constructed. It has every type of emotion and each time the emotion never feels out of place for the moment.

One more thing I'd like to mention right now about it is the I was really drawn in by the cinematography. It's like the first time I ever watched Saving Private Ryan I was drawn into the movie by the way of the camera work. This show is like that. I love camera work that doesn't go the way of the norm. Pans, dollies, filters... all very plain and boring for me. I see it all the time. This show used zooms mid-shot, messed around with focus, included glares into the picture, and simply other things that may have been left on the cutting room floor for other shows, they left in there.

Did I mention they would usually swear in Chinese, not because it was the side they fought for in the war against the Alliance, but also so they could say anything and the censors wouldn't be up their ass with bleeps and bloops.

Man this show is simply awesome. Watch it if you can. Then after that, watch the movie Serenity to put the icing on the cake.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Having a good ol' time at a Red's game with my dad. It's a bit old, but I wanted to post this on my blog to have it uploaded. Hooray for Google have seemingly an infinite amount of space. Posted by Picasa

Save the Internet : Fighting for Internet Freedom

Save the Internet: Click here

I'm not one to be all crazy about what is going on with our government and what kind of topics are being discussed within the almighty Congress, but this Bill that's trying to be passed for "Net Neutrality" being taken away is a load of shit. It basically gives companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast the ability to restrict any content they don't approve of, block sites like iTunes so they can force you to use their own higher-priced services instead, and it can only get worse. Imagine having to pay a tax anytime you want to "Google" a random word, phrase, or topic. Imagine having to pay an additional fee to use an instant messaging client. It's complete bullshit and Congress must be stopped from getting this Bill passed or anyone who enjoys their Internet-ing will be in for a long, long ride.