Eight Crazy Nights

To start off, I must say that I really liked this movie (excluding the fact that it was only an hour and 16 minutes long). It was pretty f'ing hilarious as well as being pretty darn sad at the same time. It was like any good ol' Sandler movie except this time it was a cartoon...making nearly anything possible.
The movie was loosely based around a Grinch-type theme with Sandler's main character, Davey Stone, being the bad guy. At an early childhood he had lost his parents to a car wreck at 12 and drowned his sorrows in booze and making other people's lives miserable because of how miserable HE was. Bah hum bug.
Sandler also voiced a few other characters, one of them being an old, short, fat man named Whitey Duvall, whose feet differ in size...one being a size 11 adults and the other being a size 9 kids LMAO. Needless to say he hobbled around the entire frickin' movie. His voice was also very high pitched and I'd rather listen to somebody scrape a spork across a chalkboard, but at the same time it was more than humorous with the things The voice sounds exactly like his one skit called "Fatty McGee" or something like that on one of his albums.
Another thing this movie had a lot of was a whole bunch of burp/fart/shit jokes. So if that stuff doesn't bug you, then you'll be good to go when watching this movie otherwise, don't waste your time. It also broke into songs a whole bunch, many of them being very amusing. Especially the "Technical Foul" song, which I think everybody now has stuck in their head because Eric, Kevin, and I constantly sing it because of how funny it was. I don't think I laughed harder when Whitey randomly broke into the Robot Dance with "Domo Oragato" playing in the background...my god that was HYSTERICAL.
If there's one thing that truly came from this movie is how they treat the shopping mall like a church. It was kinda funny because it's the truth...nowadays Christmas is nothing, but shopping shopping shopping. O well, isn't that'll ever change.
This movie also kinda reminded me of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...one of the funniest movies.
Overall Review
+An Adam Sandler movie...
+Good animation
+Good moral to the story
+Great/Entertaining songs
+Nice holiday movie
-Not exactly a "family" movie
-Too short
-A bit too much with the poop jokes
3.5 out of 5
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