A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: Update Status: Complete... well sorta

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Update Status: Complete... well sorta

I think I did pretty good on my blog template for workin' on it for about a half hour. Just need some good colors to go with my black background...colors that don't hurt the eyes or colors that clash.

As for today... just the same ol' crap we do in Engrish and Calculus. In 4th, we talked about our status on the SEAP and I think I'm doing fine. Ms. Conway suggested I read 2001: A Space Odyssey so I stopped by the library and rented the movie and then had to have them ship the actual novel from Goshen to Amelia...oye what a hassle. I still need to find some person to interview for the ever-so pointless SEAP. Maybe I'll ask Ms. Fennell *drool* or at least ask Conway if that'd be ok...yeah, that's it....interview Ms. Fennell :). And for some crazy reason, 5th and 6th bell were cut in half because of some "Prep" rally...hell if I knew what it was. All I cared about was getting the f outta that place as fast as possible. Screw school assemblies... And aside from getting out of school about an hour early, there isn't going to be any school tomorrow because of Senior privileges and getting out of school on half days...HAHA...FUCK YOU UNDERCLASSMEN!!!

When Eric and I left school, I first took him to Pizza the Hutt to check his schedule, then I went to Hollywood and ended up getting The Shining and Eight Crazy Nights...o yeah, Pirates of the Caribbean came out today too...whoopdee doo Bazzle. Anyways, I took him home and watched some fucking hilarious clips from Eight Crazy Nights like the "Techinal Foul" song and some short, old, fat guy doin' the robot...LMAO.

O yes...as for the whole report card thing, I received my first C EVER...IN MY ENTIRE LIFE...but seeing that my parents didn't make a big deal about it...I could really care less either. I'm sure that OSU would be just content with my 4.12 GPA, but I'm not sure about the re-take of the ACT and getting another 24...o well. Grades and test scores won't matter to me anymore once i get the acceptance letter from OSU...I hope :-/

AP Engrish: B
AP Calc: C
Study Hall: Ummm...
Theories: A
Study Hall: Ummmmmmmm... however, if physics was still there... F
Spannish IV: B

...and like I said, I got another 24 on the ACT, which the entire test looked strikingly similar to that of my previous test score...hmph.

Good afternoon, good evening, and good night


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