A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Monday, June 23, 2003

My cousin's graduation party

Today was a pretty good day because I got to see and talk to my cousin, Dan DeMint, for the first time in quite a while. Like I expected, there was a shit load of people that were there, which I didn't know, Dan didn't know...just seemingly random people his mom decided to invite lol.

He just got home from Europe a couple days ago, which I heard was pretty crazy. He went to Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam...hehehe. He told me that after the 6 hour flight, that he and his freshmen English teacher went in the local bar and grabbed a few beers...mind you, he's only 18, but 16 is the legal drinking age in France :). He also sad tha you have to pay multiple fees to get up the Eiffel Tower...yuck. Oh yeah, he said Paris was a dirty place... He didn't really talk about Brussels all that much so I really don't know what happened there. Now Amsterdam, o boy, that place is absolutely insane. The fact that marijuana is government funded and is legal in every way, shape, and form is quite funny...and you can guess what Dan did over there...hmmmmm??? He showed me what he bought also, one was a water bong and the other was like "Billy Bong Thorton" from Half Baked except that it was in the shape of a monkey lmfao. He had a great story to tell about Amsterdam. He was walking along the street with his friend, completely oblivious to the fact that the guy next to him was a cocaine dealer. So he went to just clear his nose...sinuses...and the guy immediately turned around trying to offer him some blow and my cousin was just like, "heh, no, get away from me." He was offered cocaine about 7 or 8 times...simply astounding lol. Oh yeah, there was also the window prostitutes they had.

...and the one thing that I'm not used to him having around is a girlfriend, who's name was Kyla and was very nice. He met her at night school. Why was he at night school, ya say? Well, he failed Algebra because he decided to pretty much sleep the whole year and didn't give a crap lol. She's a junior at Anderson High School, or was a junior. In other words, she's in my grade... She was just really cool, nothing much more to it.

As for college, he was going to go UC Clermont for a year to get the basic courses out of the way and then his plans were to go to something like the New York Film Academy, which is so sweet ass. I knew that doing those movies we made earlier were for a purpose. We made so many movies with his and my camcorder's, it's really quite amazing. Many of them are Star Wars parodies with my giant ass collection of micro machines. Our pride and joy is the half hour movie, which we dubbed the name "The Adventures of Luke and Obi-Wan".

I also saw one of my uncle's friends there, who I remember on my Gatlinburg travels. From the time that I was like 9 to about the age of 14, my cousin and I went to Gatlinburg with his family and his dad's friends family every summer for five straight years; every year offering something different because, well, Gatlinburg kicks ass. I also loved it when I went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure for a week with my cousin about two years ago...very very cool.

My cousin is one of the greatest people I'll ever know. I have countless memories of our childhood and how we spent the night at each other's house about every other day, it seemed like. O, those were great. One thing that I love about myself is the ability to remember things so small, yet so big.

Peace out...
...and for my cousin, Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.


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