A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Monday, December 01, 2003

It's the most... wonderful time... of the year

I am hoping to get back into the blog community again and my blog's going to be a complete overhaul. I just need to find a damn good blog template instead of this generic blogger-created crapfest of a template that I'm only using temporarily.

Seeing as that now I have so many internet goodies and thingys like my DVD collection, movie ratings, and my own nation for christ's sake, i feel a bit obliagated to start this mofo up again.

So in the near future, expect more posts (who would've thunk it?), brand spanking new template, new tagboard because my old one was raped and pillaged while AFK to my blog (sweet jesus), and also, I don't feel like putting all that handy dandy crap on the side of my "favorites" and what not because it was too much of a hassle.

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease Motherf@$#%ers


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