I've never been a good test taker in the past, nor shall I ever be. I just finished taking a multiple choice part of a practice AP US History test and didn't fair as well as I thought I would. I answered only 26 correct, got 39 wrong, and the rest I skipped. This, of course, coming from somebody who didn't study at all before. I have bad memory when it comes to certain things. I always get things backwards, I'm always thinking of something else. One thing that I'm decently good at doing is narrowing the choices down to at least two out of the five answers; the problem about it though is that I never guess the right one. I would say that approximately 20 out of the 39 I got wrong, I narrowed the answers down to two, with one of them being the correct answer...guess luck wasn't on my side...poo. O well, I'm sure that if I actually put forth a valiant effort to study then I'll have a slight chance of passing...according to how I do on the essays. I'm also thinking about going to the review session tomorrow at Borders just for the hell of it. One last deciding factor on whether I pass or not is if the library has comfortable environmental settings i.e. not an oven, not a freezer, not a rock concert...I'll be able to do fine. All I have to say right now that if the library is a scorcher, then I'm as good as done because I CANNOT focus when I'm being burned alive... Heh, don't be surprised if I get like a 24 or something on the ACT, well, because tests suck.
Going to some random restaurant (better be good otherwise I'm going with Roecker to Don Pablos) will help conclude the day of my first ever AP test on Friday. I would have to say right now that I've been eating out more times with school-related events than I have been with my family lmfao. Thanfully, after the AP tests are said and done with, our classes get to do one of my favorite past-times...WATCH MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, back to studying
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