A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

“We’re ready for you now… (ERMA)”

In approximately one day, 12 hours, and 53 minutes…I shall patiently be waiting in a small confined area with bad magazines and a television stuck on one lousy channel known simply as a waiting room. “We’re ready for you now David” is the last thing I want to hear while sitting in a waiting room. I’ve never been operated on and don’t really know how to take it because I’ve never experienced anything quite like it. I’ve never been put to sleep with anesthesia either; I’m just praying that all goes according to plan. Anesthesia, painkillers, sedatives, aching mouth…I’m pretty sure I won’t be myself for a good weak or so. That’s right, I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled Friday morning, meaning I’ll miss the little party we are suppose to have in English for Ms. Favret’s going away party…damn.L I’m still trying to understand why God gave us wisdom teeth to begin with, I mean, c’mon…like everyone gets them pulled some time or another. I guess I have a good reason to get them pulled though; some x-rays from the dentist showed my back teeth as being out of line. One of my teeth are practically horizontal and a few others are tilted just enough to cause serious problems in the future. Another problem that pretty much sparked the surgery so soon is that last weekend, an abscess began to grow from my gums that was covering part of my tooth and wow did that hurt like no other. I just hope that this needless surgery doesn’t burn a hole in our parents’ checkbook because that would…well…pretty much suck. O yeah, I also get to eat only soft foods meaning pretty much nothing, but ice cream, applesauce, and Mountain Dew all week…mmmmmm. O well, let’s just wish for the best while being shot up with anesthesia.


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