Here's to the Night
I updated the song of the week, which I'm thinking about moving back to Sundays now. I figured it's appropriate for prom week. There sure has been a lot of things on my mind as of late. It was fun having Dan over. We went to the WT festival to help out...our good deed for the week. We then went straight to Milford Theater to see Xmen 2...kick ass movie. Much better than the first one, I thought, but no Gambit dammit.

Then after the kick ass movie, we stopped in at Blockbuster to rent some things...we got Jackass: The Movie...quite possibly the funniest "movie" I've ever seen. It wasn't really a movie either, but more of a tape compiled of all these stupid stunts and crap that they did. We also got Red Faction 2 for the XBox. Later that night, which ended at 5:30 lol...we thought about going to after-prom, but for some reason I wasn't in the mood because I didn't know who would be there and didn't feel like being left out in the dark with just Dan and I. Now I'm kind of regretting not going, but I know it's done and over with and there's always next year to go to. It figures that AFTER the after-prom, my mom tells me who was there and were like "When's David gonna be here? blah blah." Mainly Peter and Andy, from what i heard...thanks a bunch mom... After talking to my dad about prom he said "It's an experience that you have to experience." So maybe I will experience it, who knows. I told him the low-down on MOST girls (I swear if you say anything Michal...) and how difficult girls can make it just to go on one single, solitary date with somebody. I told my dad how it can't just be a formality doesn't matter if you've known the girl since 1st grade or whatever and/or have been friends with them for years on end and when sometimes you just want to go out on a date or go to ONE dance with them for kicks, they act like you want to marry them or something. I consider it as a date JUST being a date and not some obligation to go steady with this person for 6 months or whatever it may be. And to top our weekend off, Dan and I woke up 2:30 this afternoon, with my mom calling down for Dan because his mother was here...yikes!
Seeing as that it is now May, getting a job for myself will happen soon...either at Hollywood video, Blockbuster, or someplace in the Super Mecha food strip of Amelia that ISN'T fast food...which eliminates everything but Pizza Hut..haha. Time to make a little cash for doing more go to the movies...w00t! And hopefully when the time comes around to get new clothes, I might be ordering some off of haha. Those are some funny funny shirts.
I think this is enough for this blog, so I'll catch you guys on the flipside....peace.
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