A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Welcome to the Big Show

For most of you non-gamer types out there, the past week or two has been the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3. This is basically the equivalent of gaming like the Oscars are for movies. Many new games that I heard or have known about are going to simply kick ass. The one that will always stand out in my mind will be Halo 2, which Bungie presented an 8 minute video of in-game action...which I am downloading as i speak...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Doom 3 also looks like a graphically frightening game...and when I mean graphic, i mean mmmmm...polygons and pixel shading bump-mapping....mmmmmmmmmmmmm. She kicks high! hehe I'm gonna try to say this without exploding in my pants, but Star Wars Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy is coming out...Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike is coming out, Clone Wars is on Xbox live, Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: Galaxies....oooo god...*changes pants* Nope, I just couldn't hold out. Deus Ex 2 looks pretty kick ass...RPG/FPS hybrid. My dear god I could go on forever. Going to one of the E3 showings is most definitely on my "Things to Do list".

Gaming is my life and it will forever be my life. Gaming won't 0wn my life, but it will become an essential vitamin of my life. If I were not to game, then I would just be out of character and that's something I am completely against and would end up making me look like a hypocrite in the end...and that's one thing I just can't stand are hypocrites. Posing as something I'm not is just silly because, well, I hate posers too lol.

I will soon see Matrix: Reloaded...by next week hopefully...and it's going to be a movie marathon when summer comes. I'm still waiting for that call from Hollywood video though...yep...still waiting...anytime now...

O well, peace ya'll.


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