A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: Springbreak - Finals = YAYYYYYYYYYYY

Monday, March 13, 2006

Springbreak - Finals = YAYYYYYYYYYYY

Well, it's winding down to a close on another quarter here at OSU. This one I was pretty much struggling to just get by with minimal effort. Mainly because I know it'll be my last calculus class evar when this quarter ends and I will be estatic when I have to take no more calculus-based math classes. You know, two and a half years of that shit really fucks with your mind.

But spring break will help take everything off my mind and just let me do whateva for a couple weeks. There's a sixth and final season of The Sopranos is starting and it... is going to be... so. fucking. awesome. Not only does that start on our spring break, George Carlin happened to stop by Cincinnati to perform before he dies and we all decided to go see him before he keels over.

In other news, still no place of residence for next year picked out yet...

Well since it's early on Monday, I've got nothing to do until Tuesday evening for my first exam... I'm going to call it quits for now.



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