A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: Back into the swing of things?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Back into the swing of things?

LOL fat chance. I had decided (after 6 months of inactivity) to somewhat resurrect my blog here that I've had up for a few years now. This is mostly because of Dan Wagers starting up a new blog of his own and I figured "AHHH WHAT THE HELL?!" This, of course, doesn't mean I'll be making a pledge to make a post a day or a post a week or any of that bullshit. I WILL BLOG WHEN I HAVE SOMETHING TO BLOG ABOUT ARGGHHHHH. I don't do this for the viewer, I just do it for something else to do aside from movies, gaming, and internet trolling (see picture in two posts below LOL).

Now that I have become more Google-oriented with Google Talk, Hello!, Picasa, Google Desktop, and Google Earth, I find blogging to be much more fun if not just for the fact I can post random and absolutely retarded pictures here. It's awesome though. I can send any picture I want with any caption for it to this blog in a matter of seconds (see previous post). Not to mention it's Google that owns Blogger so I know I virtually have an infinite amount of space to post pictures.....which is flippin' sweet.

Also, one more thing, comments have been turned back on because Blogger got smart and now have it so you can turn on an option that makes comment-ors verify a word-picture to prevent spambots. TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING SPAMMERS AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Ok, enough typing for now.



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