Dem's crack prices...
1. Spell your name with bands/singers: DAVID bowie :P, but in all seriousness,
Def leppard
Van halen
2. Have you ever had a song written about you? no, but my mom has... Help me Rhonda, help help me Rhonda :P
3. What song makes you cry? I've never cried for a song, but a song called "Mad World" by Michael Andrews played at the end of Donnie Darko really is a very emotional song. I absolutely love it, one of the greastest endings ever.
4. What song makes you happy? Pretty much any song by Weird Al
5. What do you like to listen to before bed? I rarely listen to music before I go to bed
6. Height: 6'1"
7. Hair color: brown
8. Skin color: farmer's tan :P
9. Eye color: hazel
10. Piercings: none
11. Tattoos: none
12. What color pants are you wearing right now? i'm not wearing any pants...but i am wearing blue and navy blue striped boxers
13. What song are you listening to now? I'm actually watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force
14. What taste is in your mouth? Mt. Dew
15. What’s the weather like? Windy
16. How are you? tired (i'm pretty much tired all the time because of medicine I take)
17. Do you get motion sickness? fact, I like quick motions, etc.
18. Do you have a bad habit? cracking my knukles/biting my nails
19. Do you get along with your parents? mostly...whenever I see them
20. Do you like to drive? yessum...I'm not big on driving to places I've never been to before.
21. Favorite T.V. show? Family Guy
22. Favorite conditioner? Head and Shoulders shampoo...I usually don't use conditioner.
23. Favorite video game? Oh dear...screw this question
24. Favorite book? Star Wars: Tales of the Bounty Hunter
25. Favorite magazine? EGM
26. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Mt. Dew
27. Favorite alcoholic drink? Never had any mixed drink and I really want to try's crap, wine's crap, vodka and liquor straight-up is crap. Smirnoff was purty good though since I like lemonade.
28. Favorite thing to do on the weekend?'s usually either my house or the movies.
29. Favorite band/group/singer/rapper? System of a Down
30. Have you broken the law? most certainly
31. Have you run away from home? no
32. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no
33. Have you ever made a prank phone call? i've been a part of one by playing the music.
34. Have you ever tipped over a Porta-Potty? no
35. Have you ever used your parents’ credit cards? yes, with permission
36. Have you ever skipped school? yea
37. Have you ever fallen asleep in the shower/bath? Once or twice
38. Have you ever been in a school play? yeah
39. Have you ever let a friend cry on your shoulder? ummm...I don't recall.
40. Boyfriend?
41. Girlfriend? I'm not one of those special fish in the sea...I'm more of a clown fish there for everyone's entertainment and then I just recede back into the sea anonome as they pass me by
42. Sexuality? straight
43. Children? no
44. Current crush? nobody yet
45. Have you ever been in love? yea, but now I was glad I never went through with it
46. Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone? no
47. Have you ever been hurt? yes
48. Your greatest regret? nothing really sticks out in my mind
49. Have you ever gone out with someone you only knew for three days? no
50. Do you have a job? no
51. In your MP3 player right now: Tool "Schism"
52. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? navy blue
53. What makes you happy? being around friends, boobies, video games, and movies.
54. Who makes you the happiest? friends
55. What’s the next CD you’re gonna get? new System of a Down CD they're working on
56. Whom do you consider good friends? Jason, Eric, Ryan, Dan, Peter, Kevin
57. When was the last time you cried? no idea
58. When was the last time you got a real letter? whenever I got my grad cards
59. When was the last time you got e-mail? like a half hour ago
60. What was the last thing you purchased? fireworks
61. What was the last TV program you watched? baseball game
62. What was the last movie you saw at the theatre? Spiderman 2
[1] Name: David Brentlinger
[2] Nick names: Dave, Jedi Master
[3] Middle Name: Joseph
[4] Hair: short brown
[5] Eyes: hazel
[6] Height: 6'1"
[7] Location: Amelia
[8] Birthday: Dec. 9, 1985
[9] Zodiac: Sagittarius
[11] Animals: i like alot of em
[12] Sport: baseball, frisbee golf
[13] Color: blue
[14] Song: Ego Brain by System of a Down
[15] Band(s)/Singer(s): System of a Down, Slipknot, Led Zeppelin, etc.
[16] Quote: Ezekiel 25:17
[17] Flower: Todaisys :P
[18] Scent: New electronics
[19] Movies: Star Wars
[20] Holiday: Christmas or New Years eve
[21] Season: Fall
[22] Element: Mercury
[23] Author(s): Quentin Tarantino
Girly Questions *skip*
[24] Do you wear makeup?
[25] Do you pluck your eyebrows?:
[26] Do you look for personality or looks:
[27] Perfect boy:
[28] How many rings before you answer the phone: Actually, I look at the caller ID and unless I think it's for me, I don't answer.
[29] Future Career plans: game designer...always wanted to ba MLB player
[30] Do you sleep with stuffies?: teh fuck?
[31] Do you want kids: not really
[32] Are you popular: not really
[33] Are you pretty: why not ask any girl to see what they think?
[34] Do you have your own phone line?: no
[35] Do you get along with your family? mostly
[36] Do you have any piercing or tattoos? no
Do you like...
[37] Giving hugs?: they tend to be awkward
[38] Taking walks in the rain: if i had the choice, i really would like to
[39] The mall?: if I have the intention on buying something there, otherwise it can be boring now that the World of Science is gone.
[40] Go on stage?: not really
Do you...
[41] Drink: all alcoholic drinks I've had a drink of, other than smirnoff, tasted like crap...I'd be up for experimenting with mixed drinks or martinis
[42] Smoke: just cigars, but no too often
[43] Drugs: no, but have been the cloud of second-hand smoke
[44] Eat meat: well yeah, it is part of an omnivorous diet...
[45] Insomnia: I stay up pretty late, but can usually go to sleep if I'm not itching to death
[46] Sleep Alot: the summers, I always do
[47] Eat sushi: can't say I've had any...always wanted to try it
[48] Bake: no
[49] Hot or Cold: cold
[50] Lace or Satin: satin
[51] Blue or Red: blue
[52] New or Old: depends
[53] Rain or Snow: rain
[54] Give or receive: ahem...well then...all perverted thoughts aside I like receiving stuff during x-mas and b-day (naturally), but I also like giving.
[55] Wool or Cotton: cotton, i suppose...wool can get pretty itchy.
[56] Rose or Daisy: i'm no botanist, but ummm...yeah
[57] Private school or public school: public...private school people are just fags
[58] Chocolate Milk or White Milk: well choc milk is my preferred beverage for school lunch, but i use white milk for all my breakfast needs.
[59] Celsius or Fahrenheit: I'm american dammit.
[60] Spring or Fall: to be honest, I like both, but fall is always so cozy and never too hot.
[61] Math or Art: math
[62] One pillow or two: my body pillow
[63] Dogs or Cats: dogs
[64] Adidas or Nike:'s never fit me
[65] Coke or Pepsi: Coke
[66] Oranges or Apples: oranges
[67] Deaf or Blind: blind because i love sounds and music
[68] Pool or hottub: pool
[69] Blonde or Brunette: brunette
[70] Guys or Girls: ummmm...sexually, girls...for company and heterosexual fun, guys
[71] Tall or short: a girl taller than me tends to be awkward for me
[72] TV or Radio: TV
Personal Stance on...
[73] Homosexuality: I find it to be disgusting...except for that hot lesbian porno action
[74] Brand names: i tend to be big on brand names for most things electronic and food
[75] Abortion: Fine by me since in the future (even though I probably won't be here), we'll become so overpopulated we'll start having to live under the sea and on the moon, which I guess wouldn't be too bad, but still...i hate moving.
[76] Religion: i could give a rat's ass about it...don't bring any that crap around me.
[77] Animal Rights: Hamburger just doesn't fall out of the sky, you know
[78] Love at first sight: Penn & Teller's BULLSHIT
[79] God: what about him?
[80] Aliens: vs. Predator: Predator because he's just freakin' badass.
[81] Horoscopes: Penn & Teller's BULLSHIT
[82] Heaven: ummm...yes?
[83] Hell: what? how the hell am I supposed to know what happens to a person when they die? I HAVEN'T DIED YET.
[84] Reincarnation: It'd be cool, but I highly doubt it
[85] Transvestites: jesus harry christ...shoot them to the middle of the sun
[86] Pop music: Not a very big fan of it, but I can stand some of it.
[87] Rap: same as pop
[88] 80's music:

[89] Punk: probably just Nirvana...I'm not big on this one either.
Quick Addition
[90] What's the prettiest instrument?: guitar
[91] What's the prettiest part of the body?: eyes
[92] Biggest fault: sit around doing nothing slowly gaining weight even though i hardly even eat one meal a day
[93] Biggest fears: some kind of ban on violent video games or some ludicrous idea like that
[94] Do you live in the moment?: I try
[95] Do you care about looks?: yeah because guys definitely jerk off to a girl's personality :P
[96] Do you like your handwriting?: not really
[97] Obsession: Star Wars, movie, video games
[98] Looking forward to: college, no doubt...and my laptop later this summer (when prices have gone down and hardware's improved)
[99] Favorite weather: the cloud's and wind, just before it rains
[100] Do you ever wish you were somebody else?: once in a while
[101] Kissed your cousin: sweet jesus no
[102] Ran away: no
[103] Skipped school: yea
[104] Broken someone's heart: i want to say no, but then again, i wouldn't know
[105] Been in love: i have loved a few girls in my life, but none of that stalker crazy shit
[106] Cried when someone died: no because people who have died I've never been very close to
[107] Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: certainly
[108] Answered a question that was deleted by the previous quiz taker? Your damn right, I have.
[109] Done something embarrassing: God yes
[110] Lied: yes, but I really don't like to, sometimes
[111] Cried in school: i think when i was in elementary school and fell down and scraped my knee or something like that.
[112] Coke or Pepsi: Coke
[113] Sprite or 7UP: Sprite
[114] Girls or Guys: no comment
[115] Flowers or Candy: candy
[116] Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaved because scruff annoys the hell out of me when i haven't shaved in a few days
[117] Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes
[118] Bitchy or Slutty: what the hell kind of choices are those??? fuck that shit
[119] Tall or Short: short
[120] Pants or Shorts: shorts
[121] Night or Day: night
[122] What do you notice first: i quickly scan further and further south :P
[123] Last person you slow danced with: can't remember...there were, like 5 I danced with at the 8th grade dance.
THE LAST TIME YOU... (this section makes NO sense, really)
[124] Showered: Friday morning
[125] Stepped outside: few hours ago to set off fireworks
[126] Had Sex: does mastu...oh wait, it probably doesn't so no
[127] Romantic memory: this morning
[128] Your Good Luck Charm: what luck?
[129] Person You Hate Most: Dorian
[130] Best Thing That Has Happened: found out that OSU offers things like History of Rock and the like.
[131] On your desk: guitar pick, two medicine creams, three remotes, two speakers, paperclips, medical paper, recently burned CDs, two empty oatmeal bar wrappers, Medal of Honor playdisc, doorknob, TI-83 calculator, scientific calculator, three writing utensils, watch, clothespin, phone, headset, post-it notes, 19" Sony FD Trinitron flat-screen monitor, band-aids, empty pill containers...ok, i think that's it.
[132] Picture on your desktop: Currently, a Star Wars Galaxies wallpaper with a probot
[133] Color: blue
[134] Movie: Star Wars, duh
[135] Artist or band: System of a Down
[136] Cars: I like italian cars
[137] Ice Cream: Cookies n cream
[138] Breakfast: cereal
[139] Makes you laugh the most: Ryan
[141] Makes you smile: everyone
[142] Can make you feel better no matter what: myself
[143] Has A Crush On You: probably nobody, but I get to start fresh at OSU
[144] Do You Have A Crush On somone? no
[145] Who Has it easier? the Beautiful People's club
[146] Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: that's insane
[147] Save AIM conversations: I have before, but it's been a while
[148] Save E-mails: My Outlook Express saves them all for me.
[149] Forward secret E-mails: secret? put me through to the pentagon.
[150] Wish you were someone else: ...
[151] Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: for the ability for getting laid with little to no effort whatsoever, sure.
[152] Wear perfume: I use something known as "deoderant"...or "cologne"
[153] Kiss: yes
[154] Cuddle: with who exactly?
[155] Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: I've been on for several days straight before.
[156] Fallen for your best friend?: WHAT?!?!?!
[157] Made out with JUST a friend?:
[158] Kissed two people in the same day?:
[159] Had sex with two different people in the same day?: i'm not a freakin' whore like many other Amelia people are.
[160] Been rejected: yeah
[161] Been in love?: yeah
[162] Been in lust?: yeah
[163] Used someone?: don't think so
[164] Been used?: yeah
[165] Cheated on someone?: can't exactly do that when there's no one to cheat on...
[166] Been cheated on?: ...
[167] Been kissed?: nope
[168] Done something you regret?: i'm sure i have
[168] You touched?: Well I probably bumped into Dan, Eric, or Ryan at some time during this stay over at my house.
[169] You talked to?: Dan
[170] You hugged: my mom
[171] You instant messaged?: Ryan
[172] You kissed?: my mom
[173] You yelled at?: I had to "raise my voice" at my dad because I had to say "get a garbage bag" like 4 times.
[174] You thought about?: dunno
[175] Who text messaged you?: fuck that shit
[176] Who broke your heart?: nobody yet. my day will come.
[177] Who told you they loved you?: parents
[178] Color your hair? that shit's so gay
[179] Have tattoos?: no....
[180] Have piercing?: no........
[181] Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no.....................
[182] Own a webcam?: no...........................................
[183] Own a thong?: no...............................................................
[184] Ever get off the damn computer?: it's a rarity.
[185] Sprechen Sie Deutch?: Nein.
[186] Habla espanol?: Y tu mama.
[187] Quack?: Mooooooooooooooo.
[188] Stolen anything?: yes
[189] Smoke?: occasionally
[190] Schizophrenic?: no
[191] Obsessive?: yes
[192] Compulsive?: i guess
[193] Obsessive compulsive?: sometimes.
[194] Panic?: i try not to
[195] Anxiety?: school
[196] Depressed?: not really
[197] Drugs?: over the counter? why certainly
[198] Sexually active?: no
[199] Have children?: yeah right
I like #s 18, 39, 71 (story of my life), 73, 80, 88, and 145
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