This quiz from Andy...
...who had to type a page for each of the answers. Mother. Of. God.
First job: A baseball umpire
First screen name: The very first one was my first account with AOL, which was DJBrentlin, but it wasn't long after that I changed my name to something other than my real name. That's when, I believe, I made DaBigMan14.
First funeral: Hmmm...I want to say my Grandpa's, but I always end up going to random funerals I have forgotten which was first.
First pet: Wasn't necessarily my pet, but my parents had a terrier named Toby through my birth and died when I was 9 or something from a softball-sized tumor in the yeah. I'd say my first pet was my hamster Woody who was the most bitchin' pet ever and was so nice and didn't bite...that's when my sister accidentally dropped him on our cement floor in the laundry room, which caused his death a week or two later.
First piercing: I have none.
First Tattoo: None of these things either.
First credit card: Heh, yeah right.
First enemy: I'd have to say Nick Morgan (not the one a year ahead of me, but the one in my grade with the carrot top, ultra white skin, and faggoty laugh who nobody likes). That was mainly back in elementary school. Worst thing I could think I did to him was pie face him while on the bus to school and ram the back of his head into the window frame. That shut him up for a while. I didn't like him mainly because he didn't like me for some unknown reason. Might've been the glasses. Typically anyone who doesn't like me, I return them the favor.
First favorite musician: I'd have to say Weird Al all thanks to my uncle who let us listen to his tapes on our way down to Gatlinsburg some 8 or so years ago.
Last car ride: My way home with Eric from Ms. Conway's house. We stopped by the mall a bit and played a couple rounds of DDR nonstop action. The 2nd time around reverse somehow got turned on so yeah.
Last Kiss: Where's the first one? heh
Last movie watched: I just finished watching the third and final movie of the LOTR trilogy. Guess that would make it The Return of the King, huh? Still amazing. Probably this trilogy is second only to Star Wars.
Last beverage drank: Caffeine Free Diet Coke...mmmmmmmmm.
Last Phone call: Think that was Eric a few hours ago while listening to him strum on those g-strings...
Last food: Vanilla ice a bowl...
Last CD played: A Queen CD?
Single or Taken: Single mmmkthxbye
Sex: Dude
Birthday: December 9, 1985...hurray for me!
Sign: Sagitarrius...I'm the archer! Legolas is my hero!
Siblings: Sister Katie...ok, enough about her...more about me now.
Hair color: Dark brown
Shoe size: 11, I's been too long since I've bought shoes to remember and I don't feel like looking at my other shoes...
Height: 6'2"...yep
Right now what are you...
Wearing: Islands of Adventure Dueling Dragons yin-yang tshirt, pajama bottoms, sox, and bocksers :P
Drinking: Some water...taste so good you want it bad
Thinking about: Why God why do I have to drive my sister and her friend to KI tomorrow? Hopefully Karen's party doesn't suck. I wonder who all will come to my party. Did I leave the iron on? Gosh my arm itches. Hey, what's that noise...must be the wind. Oh my god the movies are due back tonite...o wait, it's tomorrow. Man, 2 in the morning and I'm not a bit tired. wtf? I wish I had remote control lighting so I guess I'll just get outta my chair and turn on the lights. Must. Purchase. KOTOR.
Listening to: My Winamp player, which right now it's Woo Hoo by the from the Kill Bill soundtrack.
A is for age: 18 meaning I can vote, register for the SS (to be more specific, the Selective Service), purchase and use tobacco products, legally buy porno but why on earth would I do that? Yay kazaa
B is for boyfriend: It is? Well, I guess being one would be nice, but being one well...umm...wouldn't fit my way of life. Anyone who makes a joke about this saying something along the lines of "Sure David, that's what you want us to think" is a faggot themselves and are completely unoriginal.
C is for career: Computer person
D is for dad's name: Donald
E is for essential item to bring to a party: Ummmm...judging from the past few parties I've been to, definitely cornhole.
F is for favorite song at the moment: They are all equal to me.
G is for good movie you recently saw: The entire Lord of the Rings trilogy
H is for hometown: Amelia, Ohio...only a speck on the map.
I is for instruments you play: None, but I have always wanted to play guitar, bass guitar, piano, or drums.
J is for jewel that you like: Fuck if I know, but I do like saying "Cubic Zirconium" though.
K is for kids: Burn them all.
L is for living arrangements: My basement...a home away from home....if it were away from home that is.
M is for mom's name : Rhonda
N is for number of people you've slept with: I lost count after 247.......
O is for overnight hospital stays: Never ever.
P is for phobia[s]: Well now that I know if I were to ever fight Andy, I'd wear a super-absorbant suit of sponges, but for me I can't think of anything I'm notably terrified of.
Q is for quote you like: "May the Force be with you."
R is for right, what's on your right: My HP Printer/Scanner/Copier on one of my stands.
S is for sexual position: *flips through Kama Sutra* Hmmm, this wheelbarrow thingy looks interesting. O wait, scratch that...the reverse cowgirl, no doubt......
T is for time you wake up: The past few days when nobody has stayed over, I've been getting up at 1 and 2 in the afternoon...o well, I've got the whole night ahead of me :)
U is for unique trait(s): Same as Andy, I have crazy hands from the years past with videogaming. I can also do some weird stuff with my tongue when applicable :P
V is for vegetable you love: I'll go with corn on this one...preferably on the cob, but beggars can't be choosers.
W is for worst habit: Biting fingernails?
X is for x-rays you've had: Lots of my mouth (from the dentists, of course) and one of my fractured leg.
Y is for yummy food you make: The microwave is my friend. Egg rolls, pizza, hot dogs, and umm yeah.
Z is for zodiac sign: Ok, now we're just getting repetitive...
Now that that's over with, hurray!
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