2:00 am boredom
Warning...the following quiz was being completed at around 2 am starting time. Be advised that there will surely be mistakes.
start time: 2:07 am
spell your first name backwards: divaD
the story behind your blog user name: (Jedi_Master14) Funny how it originated. Nearly 2 years ago I was in the process of joining a clan and my name WAS going to be whaazzuupp14...my email must've gotten messed up so I resubmitted with Jedi_Master14. Simply a nice broad name that both Star Wars buffs and non-Star Wars buffs alike could all get. 14 is and always will be my number.
where do you live?: Address-wise, Amelia...but 95% of the US probably don't even know we exist so I'll say Cincinnati.
yourself in four words: easy-going, funny (well i try to be), smart, nice (sometimes a little too nice)
wallet: brown non-leather bifold with a duck on the front...
coffee cup: none...but I did buy my dad a sweet one from the Space smithsonian in DC with an awesome shot of the milky way with the planets...pretty pimp. I'd use it if I were a coffee drinker simply because I like space stuff.
underwear: boxers of assorted patterns
boots: i don't exactly wear boots, but I do have a pair of hiking boots that are umm...brown...and made for hiking.
cd in stereo right now: all my CDs are in my case
tattoos: nada
hair: dark brown and straight all the way around...kinda like the beetles haircut, but not at the eyebrows.
who or what (was/is/are)...
in my mouth: my tongue?
in my head: Happy Days theme song
wishing: this is the longest summer of my life
after this: sleep
talking to: myself
eating: my fingernails
what's next to you: 10 billion things (if you've seen my room, you'd understand)
something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: Well, my graduation for one...Conway's little theories get together will either be decently worthwhile or just too lame to shake a stick at.
something that you are deathly afraid of: the evil monkey in my closet
do you like candles?: they can be useful at times, so sure
do you like hot wax?: that orthapedic wax is da bomb diggity
do you like incense?: yeah...but too bad I have an f'ing smoke detector in my room........
do you believe in love?: why shouldn't I? Oh, I'm sorry. I do believe I answered your question with another question.
do you believe in soul mates: not particularly
do you believe in love at first sight?: God no...love isn't skin deep and at first sight, I'd say that's no deeper than the dermis, my friends.
do you believe in heaven?: no comment
do you believe in forgiveness?: why yes i do
do you believe in god?: yeah sure...but i don't let it effect my life all to much.
what do you want done with your body when you die? Ooohhh oooohhhh...I know! Put all my vital organs in sarcophogous's, then embalm my body, wrap with cloth, and put me in a pyramid...in all seriousness, anything other than the dull, boring way of being buried.
who is your worst enemy?: Gonna have to go with Ryan on this one...I really have no enemies...so myself is the only thing that's holding me back.
if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?: Chinchilla! but hey...I love my pets I have now so NO SOUP FOR YOU QUIZ MAKER!
what are five cities you wouldn't mind relocating to : Tokyo, Japan; Venice, Italy; whatever city is home of Skywalker Ranch; Maui, Hawaii; and maybe a nice city in Florida.
what are some of your favorite pig out foods?: probably chocolate chip cookies
what's something that you wish people would understand?: why Star Wars is, hands down, the best thing EVER no matter what it comes to...movies, video games, music, merchandising...gotta love it.
wish you could understand better? the clitoris :P
who's someone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?: Chris Farley
a. How old were you?: --
b. Where did it happen?: ___________________
c. When did it happen?: -:-- am/pm
d. Who initiated the kiss?: n/a
e. Was there a second kiss with that same person later?: n/a
*cough* ummmmm....no
a. What were the circumstances of the best kiss you ever shared with anyone? I think this quiz is mocking me
b. Briefly describe the best date you ever had: STOP MOCKING ME!
c. What's the longest relationship you ever had?: I wish I knew...
d. What's the most romantic gift you ever gave anyone you were dating?: Well hardy har har
e. What is the most romantic gift you ever got from anyone?: Nothing
a. What were the circumstances of the worst kiss you ever shared?: Still waitin' for that first one
b. Have you ever done something stupid that caused a relationship to end?: Let me check my Rolodex...yes, 'tis I who rippeth the phone number out of it..........
a. What's the most romantic season?: not summer? Yeah...I think hot people dripping with sweat is so romantic.
b. What's your favorite romantic movie?: they make those?
c. Who is the most romantic TV couple?: Peter and Lois Griffin teehee
e. If you could take a boy/girlfriend to any country in the world for a weekend of romance, what country would you choose?: not Antartica <=== what Ryan said
f. If you could describe the key to a good romance in five words or less, what would it be?: trust, love, humor/happiness, spontaneousness, not-being-at-each-other's-throats-all-the-time
10 bands/artists you've been listening to lately
[01] Queen
[02] System of a Down
[03] Weird Al
[04] Metallica
[05] Sublime
[06] AC/DC
[07] Led Zeppelin
[08] Pink Floyd
[09] Benny Benassi
[10] ?????????
9 things you're looking forward to
[01] My grad party
[02] more sleepovers
[03] gas prices to drop?
[04] more parties
[05] that college thing
[06] Star Wars original trilogy on DVD Sept. 21
[07] laptop
[08] definitely getting KOTOR
[09] System of a Down's new CD they're working on and maybe Slipknot's new one
8 things you like to wear
[01] my video-game oriented t-shirts
[02] Hawaiian shirts
[03] my Arizona sneakers
[04] my fleece pullovers
[05] khaki shorts/khaki pants with unzip legs
[06] my watch (for college graduation it shall be replaced by an Omega...the official James Bond watch)
[07] color changing Hawaiian undershirt with yin-yang dragon design
[08] Axe deodorant bodyspray :P
7 things that annoy you
[01] dumbasses
[02] people saying WHAT? YEEEEAAH! and OOOOKAAAAAY!
[03] computer/internet that takes longer than a millisecond to load whatever it is I wanted to load (school computers made me hurt myself)
[04] computers simply locking up when I forget to save
[05] people who don't know when I'm being sarcastic (pretty much every waking moment of my life)
[06] people who can't keep their mouths shut
[07] trying to make another person feeling guilty by A) talking barely loud enough for them to hear you B) hinting at it, but not saying it directly C) ummm, I'm sure there's other ways, but I'm sleepy
6 things that you say almost everyday
[01] "fuck"
[02] "shit"
[03] "the"
[04] "holy (mother/god/lord/geez/shit)"
[05] "oh"
[06] line from Family Guy
5 things you do everyday
[01] computer
[02] mira la television
[03] eating a snack or perhaps a carbonated soda
[04] do a quick analysis of what my days plans will be if they go unhindered
[05] listen to my playlist
4 people you want to spend more time with
[01] friends
[02] cousin
[03] immediate family w/ grandma
[04] -------
3 of your favorite songs at the time
Nope, sorry...don't play that game otherwise I would spend my entire life thinking of the perfect 3
2 movies you could watch over and over again
[01] any Star Wars movie <-- what he said
[02] Tommy Boy
1 person you could spend forever with
[01] ummm...too many so I forfeit this question
End time: 3:18 am
I'm out bitches
For all we have in common, David- I had no idea you stole my favorite number (14).
Well that's just insane...and oh yeah, if you happen to read this...after thinking about it, my cousin is the one who had some of the things I didn't i.e. TIE fighter, B-Wing, Yoda head, and a few other's.
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