A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: T minus 5 days and counting...

Monday, December 15, 2003

T minus 5 days and counting...

...until Christmas Break starts!!!!!!!

The high point in my life during the school year. The one time where (usually) I get a break from crap school and crap homework. Yeah sure, I may get homework to be done over the break, but it isn't like I HAVE to finish it for the next day. I have two long weeks to do it.

O yes, just something I thought I should share with the rest of the world because of how much of a badass program it is (or at least to me it is) is Microsoft's Streets and Trips that came with my computer. The fact that this thing has every single street in the entire United States is incredible...here's a few to show what I'm talking about.

Eastgate Mall Area
My Neighborhood

On the Eastgate Mall picture, the black blobs I colored in to represent the mall and place where Best Buy is. On my neighborhood picture, the black blob is, of course, my house. You just simply type in an address and it finds it for you. You can also have it make a route for you from one spot to another with estimates in both mileage and time. It's just a phenomenal program.


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