A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: Last person who...

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Last person who...

Got it from Garwood who got it from Andy who got it from...

+ Slept in your bed: me
+ Saw you cry: me
+ Spent the night at your house: one of my sister's friends *shudder*
+ You shared a drink with: Ryan
+ You went to the movies with: Eric
+ You went to the mall with: Eric
+ Yelled at you: Ummm...Conway? (i don't get yelled at often)
+ Sent you an e-mail: Well, I get a lot of relevant email, so the last one was IGN.com
+ Said they were going to kill you: Hell if I know

+ Said "I love you" and meant it? yes
+ Been to New York? nein
+ Been to Florida? yes
+ California? no, but i want to
+ Hawaii? no, but i want to
+ Mexico? no...i don't want to...dirty mexicans
+ China? no, but i want to
+ Canada? no...but close
+ Danced naked? wtf?
+ Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day? yes
+ Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened? of course

+ Had your heart broken? no

+ Been the heart breaker? doubt it
+ Wish you were the opposite sex? HA!
+ Had an imaginary friend? no

+ What are you going to do after you finish this survey? homework and work
+ What was the last food you ate? stuffed crust pizza, fries, and applesauce
+ High school or college? I got my acceptance letter from OSU...that count?
+ Are you bored? not really
+ How many buddies are on?
+ Last movies you saw? *checks profile* The Shining
+ Last noise you heard? Me typing...
+ Last time you went out of the state: like, last summer...if not the summer before that
+ Things you like in a girl/guy: ass and titties...ass ass and titties...ass and titties...ass ass and titties...:-P
---DIDN'T fall out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down
---a sense of humor
---not a bitch
---likes things that i like (i.e. gaming chick, movie chick, Star Wars chick...meow)
---easily flexible :P
---nice family
+ Do you have a crush on someone? not really
+ Do they know? ummm...
+ What's his/her name? ummmmmmmmmm......
+ Does s/he know who you are? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................................
+ What book are you reading now? 1984...I heard it's in-fuckin'-credible
+ Favorite board game? Goin' with Ryan on this one...Star Wars Monopoly
+ Favorite magazine? All my gaming ones...mostly EGM and Game Informer

+ How many times have you been in love? a few
+ Worst feeling in the world? dunno...I haven't experience it yet
+ What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? did I leave the oven on?
+ How many rings before you answer? however long it takes for the caller ID to show the name
+ Future daughter's name: what daughter?
+ Future son's name? what son?
+ Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? err...no...not currently
+ If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Guy who gets paid to play games all day or a guy who gets to watch movies all day i.e. a critic
+ Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? righty
+ Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Thank god for 7th grade typing class
+ What's under your bed? Hmmm...well I have 6 drawers under my bed...1st one has Boy Scout stuff...2nd one houses all my big Star Wars books...3rd has more Boy Scout stuff...4th has yearbooks/school stuff...5th has stuff...6th has all my gaming stuff and camcorder stuff
+ Favorite sport to watch? Baseball
+ Hair Color: brown
+ Eye Color: hazelish?...anyone have a mirror?
+ Height Currently: 6'2"
+ Glasses/contacts: and if i said no?
+ Current Age: 18...HAHAHAHAHAHA
+ Siblings: younger sister
+ Siblings Age: 13?
+ Location: Amelia
+ Plans : work?
+ Any Piercings: No...O wait, I do have a Prince Albert.........
+ Best Friends: A lot (too lazy)
+ Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
+ Current Crush: redundant, yes?
+ Are You Timely Or Always Late: typically just in the knick of time

+ Do You Have A Job: Hollywood video
+ Do You Like Being Around People: depends on what i'm doing
+ Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: i think so
+ Have You Ever Cried Over What Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: no
+ Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: yeah

+ Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: no
+ Are You Lonely Right Now: slightly
+ Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: no
+ Do You Want To Get Married: not really
+ Do You Want Kids: if they're illegitimate...sure..........................

+ Room In house: my room in the basement
+ Type of music: pretty much everything
+ Song: Ahhh...cripes...everything?
+ Movie: Star Wars...what else?
+ Memory: This one time...at band camp...
+ Day Of The Week: Friday and Saturday
+ Color: blue...any shade of it too
+ Perfume or Cologne: if i were a woman...i might say perfume
+ Flower: That one kind in Jumanji that shoots poison darts :P
+ Month: December...and maybe June, July, and August too
+ Season: summer and winter mostly because of having no school during them
+ Location for dates: Most definitely the movies

+ Cried: no
+ Bought Something: yeah
+ Gotten Sick: no
+ Sang: yeah
+ Said I Love You: I think so
+ Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: no
+ Met Someone New: no
+ Moved On: yeah...i guess...
+ Talked To Someone: If my name were Andy Ubel...yes
+ Had A Serious Talk: yes
+ Missed Someone: no
+ Hugged Someone: no
+ Kissed Someone: no
+ Fought With Your Parents: no
+ Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: no
+ Had a lot of sleep: sleep?


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