A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: Well the results are in

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Well the results are in

Now that the first quarter is over with, the grades are in and they are actually a little better than I expected...especially for my computer science class.

Spanish 102.66: A-
Math 150: A-
CSE 201: B+
Survey: S

Overall my GPA is 3.54 for now. I have a total of 20 credit hours including the EM credit I got for Chemistry 121 for passing my AP chem test, I guess? Sure I might be smarter than your average bear, but with my work ethic (for schoolwork, at least) I'll always be a B student. If you were to sit me in a solitary cell with my schoolwork, then maybe...just maybe I'd be an A student. I guess that explains why I was such a great employee at Hollywood video...there wasn't anything else for me to do other than work. No video games to distract me and shit like that.

Whenever I do get a nice job and start making some of that preverbial fat cash, I might go explore other countries and stay there for a little bit at a time and actually do something with my life. Probably head to the countries I want to visit on my to-do list.

Now that Ryan's home, we can do some hangin'.


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