A Galaxy Far, Far Away...: My trip to Kings Island

Saturday, July 17, 2004

My trip to Kings Island

Dan and I took a trip to KI...
To start off, I have to mention that this is the first time I've been to KI in 2 or 3 years, but not a whole bunch has changed about it other than a few ride additions and a couple rides taken down.
A new ride was put where the old King Cobra ride was called Delirium and was pretty frickin' sweet...other than the fact we had to wait an extra 10 minutes because it was "broken", but just think of it as a giant top spinning and going back and forth like the Viking Ship.   This one goes nearly all the way upside-down though.  That was the first one we rode.
We rode the Son of Beast next, which was another first for me (last time I was at KI when it just opened, the line was 3 hours too long for me...).  Talk about a shake, rattle, and roll coaster because that think was rough as hell, it would make you think you're back in old western times riding in a Conestoga wagon...  It was funny though because Dan and I made faces at the cameras that took our picture when we passed by on this ride and the Outer Limits.
We then headed on over to Top Gun, which has always been a favorite of mine because it's a hanging coaster and it's just so damn smooth.  Not to mention it's always cool when you get up to the top of the hill and get ready to go back down the hill, you go from having a floor beneath your car to having nothing, but 300 feet of space between you and the ground below.  Only thing that gets me is that it's too short.  I've ridden this thing a billion times.
We headed over to the the moving chair theater where Days of Thunder and James Bond use to be, both of which I've ridden too many times to count.  They now have a Spongebob 3-D ride there and since I've never been on it, we just had to jump in line for this ride and it would've been so retarded if the announcer guy wouldn't have had been saying his little spiel in a funny german accent and wouldn't have called the ride the "Spizzlebizzle Spizzlepizzle Thrizzle-Dizzle Rizzle".  The entire point of ride was chasing after a fugitive pickle to finish a crabby patty...
Some other mentionable rides were the Racer (we were backwards and we won), Shake Rattle and Roll, White Water Canyon (got pretty frickin' wet), Adventure Express, Congo Falls x3, Face-Off, and the Outer Limits.
While at the park, we saw Danny Mullins working the Son of Beast or one of the other roller coasters, Heater Keaton and Stephanie Berndt working the Congo Falls and chit-chatting who let Dan and I ride it three times in a row since nobody was in line, I saw Nathan Sweet and Kristi Patterson in the booth at Face-Off who saw me going up the hill backwards.  We also were passing Courtney Weyant and we yelled her name like 10 times and she completely ignored us so fuck you too. 
What was cool on Face-Off is when we went through it once and went back through it backwards, I started getting tunnel vision which felt so cool almost like in a state of euphoria and everything started going white.  I've felt that before when I was able to pass myself out (there's a special technique in doing that).
Ahh yes, another thing I don't want to forget to mention is Dan and I found some DDR machines (2 extreme mixes side-by-side and 3rd mix in another arcade) and tried doing it but were slipping all over the damn place because of our sandals that were still wet.  I, once again, defeated the Star Wars Trilogy arcade which makes that...let's see here:
Universal Studios, Florida
Islands of Adventure, Florida
Family Fun Center, Ohio
Milford Theater, Ohio
GameWorks, Ohio
...and now Kings Island, Ohio.
The one depressing part was Tomb Raider wasn't working and hasn't been for the past day and two days...so I never got to ride that.

What a fun day it was though.


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